Marocchi Brothers’ Bakers and Bottling Works
Type: Image
Date: c. 1910-1912
The bottling works and store burned down in 1933. The Marocchis came from the area disputed by Austria and Italy; when they left it was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire but after WW1 it was given to Italy.
Black and white photograph shows the Marocchi Bros, Cumberland Bakers, and Bottling Works. In this image there are two horse drawn carts with a number of people in the front of the store.
People identified: L-R: “Old Charlie” (better known as “Monkey”), Mr. Columbo, Rose Marocchi, [?], Silvio Marocchi, Ettore Bonora, “Old Jock”, and John Marocchi.
Item Details
- Materials: Graphic material
- Archival Reference: 983.237
- Other reference: C030-013 / B18
- Author: [unknown]
- Donor: Cameron, Pete
- Donated: 1983
- Size: 17 x 26 cm / 35mm