No. 1 and 2 mines were developed at the same time. The first twenty-one tons of coal were taken from between the two mines and loaded onto the newly constructed colliery railway to the Union Wharf, now known as Union Bay. The coal was loaded onto the San Mateo and shipped off in July of 1888.
This image shows the tipple and train tracks at no. 1 mine looking down from up on the slope. Large stumps can be seen on the slope. Lumber is lying is various places.
Item Details
- Materials: Graphic material
- Archival Reference: A-04529
- Other reference: C161-001 / C161-5
- Author: [unknown]
- Donor: Thomson, Jack
- Donated: 1991
- Size: 37x 27 cm
- Credit: Image A-04529 courtesy of the Royal BC Museum