This underground image is of a mine at Wolf Mountain Colliery, working the Wellington seam. The tunnel is about six metres wide, two-point-four metres high, and extends about fifty metres. The light yellow-brown line painted on the mines roof is a guideline to provide a reference point for the mining crew to dig the tunnel in the correct line. The crack on the roof of the tunnel is a fault with falling pieces of siltstone. This fault compromised the integrity of the mines roof and the tunnel could not advance further.
This is a photo of an underground mine at Wolf Mountain Colliery. The image is looking inbye (toward the coal face) along the Belt Road of 1-North B district of the mine. Power cables run further into the mine, serving an unseen fan.
Item Details
- Materials: Graphic material
- Archival Reference: 2001.023.005
- Other reference: C160-094
- Author: Huhn, Gwyneth
- Donor: Bickford, Gwyn
- Donated: 2001/02/26
- Size: 11 x 16 cm