Shigeru and Tako Kiyono were the only family who returned to live in Cumberland after their expulsion from the area and subsequent internment during World War II.
The donor, Utako“Tako” Aida, moved to Cumberland at age 1. Her father was a tailor, they lived in the tailor shop “Cumberland Tailors” on Dunsmuir near the post office. Tako was 17 when the war began. She married Shigeru Kiyono in 1942 at age 18. Shigeru played with the Royston Lumber Mill Baseball team. They were forced to leave Cumberland and were taken to Hastings Park where they stayed for 7 months. Then they were taken to New Denver, then lived in Nakusp and Invermere. Later they moved back to the Comox Valley and retired in 1983.
On the black suitcase, an inscription reads: 'Mrs. S. Kiyono, Cumberland BC.'
Item Details
- Materials: Leather, plastic (material)
- Archival Reference: 2017.049.002
- Manufacturer: [unknown]
- Donor: Kiyono, Tako
- Donated: 2017/08/01
- Size: 23 x 65 x 38 cm