Cumberland exploited four seams, part of the same geological formation that ran deep underneath the village. The upper coal seam workings are shown in blue and the lower coal seam workings in red. The footprint of the different settlements can be seen on the center-right side of the map.
This topographic map shows geological features in the Cumberland Mines area.
The upper coal seam workings are shown in blue and the lower coal seam workings in red. The footprint of the different settlements can be seen on the center-right side of the map.
This very large map is heavy paper backed by linen. "KEUFFEL & ESSAR CO. [jaraaom?] GERMANY PAT U.S. PAT OFF" is water marked on the bottom and top edges of the map The title box is in the lower right corner, "CANADIAN COLLIERIES (DUNSMUIR) LTD. / COMOX DISTRICT / PLAN / SHOWING TOPOGRAPHICAL FEATURES IN THE / VICINITY OF COMOX MINES / SCALE 1 IN = 400 FT / NOTE / UPPER COAL SEAM WORKINGS SHOW IN BLUE / LOWER COAL SEAM WORKINGS SHOWN IN RED" printed.
"CUMBERLAND FIELD / 1 " = 400' / CUMBERLAND TO BROWNS R. / BASED ON BEVAN MONS' / SH3V # 4" hand written in each of the four corners on the reverse side.
Item Details
- Materials: Cartographic material, paper (fiber product), linen (material)
- Accession Number: 981.323.002
- Author: Canadian Collieries (Dunsmuir) Ltd. ; Keuffel & Essar Co. [?]
- Donor: [unknown]
- Donated: 1981/12/14
- Size: 250 x 182 cm